What kind of theatre do you enjoy the most???

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Hello!!! Welcome to my blog, where I will discuss my process in creating my final portfolio project for AICE Media Studies of the 2017-2018 school year!!!

I can't wait to get started on my magazine. I've been so excited that I thought of many different magazine genres that I could do. Then, I thought to myself "Just do something you really like in general and create a magazine off that!" Well well well my friends you've probably guessed by my URL but I decided to do a theatre magazine!!! I'm very excited to start because we are in the theatre season at my school so I'll be able to take some fantastic pictures for the magazine already!

I have huge plans for this project and I'm soooo excited to share it with you guys! I hope you enjoy my blog and magazine in the future and I thank you for taking the time to view it!😄

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